This program was originally broadcast on August 9, 2016 . Taking care of your kids’ needs after a divorce. Psychologist, divorce expert Robert Emery on his new book Two Homes, One Childhood. The simple fact is a lot of children’s parents don’t live together. They split up. They divorce. And suddenly, children have two homes. But they only have one childhood. How do you make it good? The childhood they need and deserve? Psychologist and divorce mediator Robert Emery says frankly that it’s hard – emotionally, practically, financially. But you can do it. He’s seen a lot of ways. He’s got advice. This hour On Point: New parenting plans. Making good childhoods in divided families. Tom Ashbrook Guests Robert Emery , professor of psychology and director of the Center for Children, Families, and the Law at the University of Virginia. Author of Two Homes, One Childhood . From Toms Reading List Washington Post : Daddys Home: Why I let my ex live with us on weekends Ours is an unusual